{"id":575791,"date":"2021-08-03T16:40:24","date_gmt":"2021-08-03T20:40:24","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.the74million.org\/?post_type=article&p=575791"},"modified":"2021-08-18T11:03:08","modified_gmt":"2021-08-18T15:03:08","slug":"a-shift-in-classroom-needs-teachers-turn-to-donorschoose-to-crowdfund-food-clothes-for-students-during-pandemic","status":"publish","type":"article","link":"https:\/\/www.the74million.org\/article\/a-shift-in-classroom-needs-teachers-turn-to-donorschoose-to-crowdfund-food-clothes-for-students-during-pandemic\/","title":{"rendered":"A Shift in Classroom Needs: Teachers Turn to DonorsChoose to Crowdfund Food, Clothes for Students During Pandemic"},"content":{"rendered":"

W<\/span>itnessing the growth of food and income insecurity during the pandemic, teachers and districts are turning to DonorsChoose \u2014 a nonprofit crowdfunding site for public educators \u2014 to leverage financial support.<\/p>\n

Founded in 2000 and historically utilized for instructional materials that teachers would either have to pay for out of pocket or go without, like auxiliary books, kits, games, and technology, the platform and its district partnership model have enabled teachers to raise over $670,000 in funds for warmth, care, and hunger needs for students since January 2020, according to DonorsChoose\u2019s public relations team.<\/p>\n

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New York elementary teacher Laurie Gurdal at P.S. 245 in Brooklyn, for example, wrote a project to fund a food pantry<\/a> for her low-income students. \u201cOur families are facing food shortages at this time,\u201d the project reads, \u201cit is hard to learn when you are hungry.\u201d Two donors donated $1,108 between March 8 and April 5, 2021, fully funding the pantry in under a month.<\/p>\n

The New York City Department of Education, Los Angeles Unified School District, and Philadelphia City School District joined DonorChoose\u2019s partnership program<\/a> in 2020, which more than 180 districts now participate in, representing over 10,000 schools nationally.<\/p>\n