{"id":546298,"date":"2019-10-29T17:00:25","date_gmt":"2019-10-29T21:00:25","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.the74million.org\/?post_type=article&p=546298"},"modified":"2019-10-30T16:58:25","modified_gmt":"2019-10-30T20:58:25","slug":"as-atlanta-searches-for-a-new-superintendent-theres-never-been-a-more-important-time-for-parents-to-focus-on-quality-schools","status":"publish","type":"article","link":"https:\/\/www.the74million.org\/article\/as-atlanta-searches-for-a-new-superintendent-theres-never-been-a-more-important-time-for-parents-to-focus-on-quality-schools\/","title":{"rendered":"As Atlanta Searches for a New Superintendent, There\u2019s Never Been a More Important Time for Parents to Focus on Quality Schools"},"content":{"rendered":"

Atlanta, Georgia<\/em><\/p>\n

W<\/span>hen you\u2019re a parent\u00a0thinking\u00a0about what\u2019s best for your child, I can only imagine the fear and anger one must have\u00a0when\u00a0watching the conversation happening between the Atlanta Board of Education and the current\u00a0superintendent. Negative comments in the media by the superintendent around being harassed by board members<\/a>, accompanied by negative mail being sent to parents attacking board members, only reminds parents that the Atlanta Public Schools may be losing focus on our children\u2019s future.<\/p>\n

As this dust settles, what you should realize more than ever before is that\u00a0it\u2019s\u00a0ultimately\u00a0up to you to navigate your child\u2019s educational future. Our children need a strong leader for our growing and diverse city and public school system. But with that decision being completely out of your hands, you must focus on the things\u00a0that\u00a0you can control. We believe this work includes inspiring parent engagement, empowering community leaders, activating praying pastors, and\u00a0supporting capable and committed\u00a0teachers. With\u00a0or without a superintendent, these critical stakeholders must\u00a0become and remain\u00a0engaged\u00a0in the process.<\/p>\n

If you believe this level of stakeholder synergy and engagement\u00a0is critical for our children\u2019s educational future, then you should\u00a0now\u00a0have a clear understanding of the work of Better Outcomes for OUR Kids<\/a> (BOOK). BOOK is an African-American-led organization founded in 2016 that is\u00a0unapologetically focused\u00a0on\u00a0schools and communities\u00a0serving African-American children. Our goal is simple, and that is\u00a0to help\u00a0build\u00a0and support\u00a0a powerful\u00a0and connective\u00a0ecosystem focused on supporting high-performing schools and the communities they serve. After only five years, we are once again plunging headfirst\u00a0into a search for a new superintendent. As\u00a0disruptive and political as the pursuit of a new leader can become, we must remain focused on\u00a0educating Atlanta\u2019s children. A strong superintendent is but \u201cone cog in the wheel\u201d that must be highly functional for Atlanta to reach its highest heights.<\/p>\n