

EduClips: South Florida Schools Scrambling to Hire Police Officers; IL Lawmakers Lash Out at Chicago Schools Over Sexual Abuse of Students — and More Must-Reads From America’s 15 Biggest School Districts

EduClips is a roundup of the day’s top education headlines from America’s largest school districts, where more than 4 million students across eight states attend class every day. Read previous EduClips installments here. Get the day’s top school and policy news delivered straight to your inbox by signing up for the

Top Story

EDUCATION DEPARTMENT — The White House on Thursday will propose merging the Education and Labor departments into one federal agency, the centerpiece of a plan to remake a bureaucracy that President Trump and his supporters consider too big and bloated, according to an administration official familiar with the plan.

The long-awaited proposal to reorganize federal agencies would shrink some and augment the missions of others. It is the result of a directive that Mick Mulvaney, head of the Office of Management and Budget, issued to federal leaders 14 months ago. He urged them to find ways to merge overlapping, duplicative offices and programs and eliminate those the administration views as unnecessary.

The plan also is expected to include major changes to the way the government provides benefits for low-income Americans, an area that conservatives have long targeted as excessive, by consolidating safety-net programs that are administered through multiple agencies. ()

National News

IMMIGRATION — Educating Migrant Children in Shelters: 6 Things to Know ()

SCHOOL DISCIPLINE — Betsy DeVos’s Deputy Privately Admitted Trump Administration’s Idea Could Hurt Kids ()

OBAMA — See Which Obama Education Initiatives Trump’s Shut Down, and Which Survive ()

TEACHER PAY — How bad is teacher pay? Nearly 1 in 5 teachers works a second job, report says ()

HEALTH — Senate Rejects Trump’s Bid to Claw Back Funds From Children’s Health Insurance Program ()

District and State News

FLORIDA — South Florida school districts scrambling to hire police officers ()

ILLINOIS — Illinois state lawmakers lash out at CPS over sexual abuse of students ()

FLORIDA — Miami schools chief: Why didn’t feds tell us about immigrant children in Homestead? ()

NEW YORK — For First Time, New York City Teachers Will Get Paid Parental Leave ()

NEVADA — Clark County School District cuts $68 million, 500 positions ()

CALIFORNIA — L.A. school district says more are graduating, but rate may not show it ()

PENNSYLVANIA —After hazards were exposed, Philadelphia school district launches massive summer cleanup ()

CALIFORNIA — California budget deal includes extra funding for students with lowest test scores ()

NEW YORK — New York City Sees a Model on the Upper West Side for School Integration ()

ILLINOIS — Why Illinois will start testing ninth, 10th graders with PSAT ()

TEXAS — ‘STEM jobs are good jobs’: Industry leaders say retooled education key to filling about 2.4M expected vacancies ()

Think Pieces

TEACHER EFFECTIVENESS — Study: Multi-Year Gates Experiment to Improve Teacher Effectiveness Spent $575 Million, Didn’t Make an Impact (Read at The74Million.org)*

STATE TAKEOVERS — After five years, the Tennessee-run district isn’t performing any better than low-performing schools receiving no intervention, research says ()

PERSONALIZED LEARNING —  New Research: Despite Great Enthusiasm for Personalized Learning, Teachers Say Attempts to Innovate Are Often Stymied by School District Bureaucracy (Read at The74Million.org)*

Quote of the Day

“The thing to understand about all of this is that we have to learn not to think of it as another flavor or version of reform. This is a fundamental rethinking and reimagining of everything about what schools focus on.” —Andrew Calkins, director of Next Generation Learning Challenges, on a new study that highlighted challenges in the implementation of personalized learning. (Read at The74Million.org)*

*Disclosure: The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation provides financial support to the , the personalized learning efforts analyzed in CRPE’s recent research, and The 74.

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