

EduClips: Five Years Later, Sandy Hook’s Legacy on School Safety; Closing ‘Renewal’ Schools in NYC — and More Must-Reads From America’s 10 Biggest School Districts

EduClips is a roundup of the day’s top education headlines from America’s largest school districts, where more than 4 million students across eight states attend class every day. Read previous EduClips installments here. Get the day’s top school and policy news delivered straight to your inbox by signing up for the

Top Story

SANDY HOOK — There have been 144 incidents in which a gun was discharged in a K-12 school since the shootings at Sandy Hook Elementary School on December 14, 2012. The five-year anniversary offers an opportunity to examine ways in which schools have changed since that tragic event, including an expanded focus on mental health screening, the debate over arming teachers and and efforts to prepare students through safety drills. ()

National News

HIGHER-ED ACT — House Republicans Finalize Overhaul of Higher Education Act ()

SAFETY — ‘Exponential’ increase in school shooting drills since Sandy Hook ()

ELECTIONS — Education Advocates Already Filing to Run in 2018 State Elections ()

District and State News

NEW YORK — As New York City prepares to close more struggling ‘Renewal’ schools, here’s what we know about ones they’ve shuttered before ()

FLORIDA — Appeals Court Tosses School Quality Lawsuit ()

CALIFORNIA — Investigation of embattled L.A. school board member now includes conflict-of-interest allegations ()

VIRGINIA — Virginia’s McAuliffe takes emergency steps to curtail teacher shortage. (Read at)

NEVADA — Handling Gender Diversity in School Continues to Polarize the Community ()

CALIFORNIA — Green Dot’s Suspension Rates are Higher than Reported, but they are Mostly In-School Suspensions ()

FLORIDA — FL school districts not taking feds’ advice on school bus seat belt safety ()

NEVADA — Education chief wants new Clark County elementary school reorg consultant ()

ILLINOIS — Governor candidate Ives: ‘Every school district should be a unit district’ ()

Think Pieces

PRESCHOOL — Opinion: What Pre-K Means for Your Pre-Teenager ()

TEACHERS  —  America’s teachers don’t move out of state much. That could be bad for students. ()

RESEARCH — 10 Charts That Changed the Way We Think About America’s Schools in 2017 (Read at The74Million.org)

DEVOS — Opinion: Betsy DeVos and the Soft Bigotry of Low Essa Expectations ()

PARENTS — Can parents prod schools to get better? ()

Quote of the Day

“While, yes, statistically speaking, the chances [of a shooting] are very slim. I don’t want, heaven forbid, something to happen to my students or my daughter and to say, ‘There was a small chance it would happen, and it happened. And no one ever planned for it.’”— Matt Holland, teacher and father, on the 5th anniversary of the mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School. ()

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