

EduClips: DeVos Talks ESSA, Tax Bill Drama — and More Must-Reads From America’s 10 Biggest School Districts

EduClips is a roundup of the day’s top education headlines from America’s largest school districts, where more than 4 million students across eight states attend class every day. Read previous EduClips installments here. Get the day’s top school and policy news delivered straight to your inbox by signing up for the

Top Story:

In the great ESSA battle of federal accountability versus state flexibility, Education Secretary Betsy DeVos has come down firmly on the side of flexibility — and states are responding. But Democrats and civil rights groups have raised alarms about what they say are inappropriate approvals of state ESSA plans that don’t comply with the law’s underlying guardrails to protect underserved students. (Read at The 74Million.org)

National News:

TAX BILL – Proposal for Senate Tax Bill Would Boost School Choice, Fold In Early Education ()

DEVOS – Did Betsy DeVos just chide President Trump about calling a senator ‘Pocahontas’? ()

District and State News:

NEW YORK – Sources: In a first, New York City will add more schools to its controversial ‘Renewal’ program ()

ILLINOIS – Chicago-area school district under fire again over transgender locker room policy ()

FLORIDA – Two Months After Hurricane Irma hit Puerto Rico and its Impact is Still Being Felt in Florida ()

NEW YORK – Charter school parents say de Blasio isn’t giving students enough space ()

TEXAS – Behind Oklahoma, Texas Has Made Deepest Cuts To State Education Funding In Past Decade ()

NEVADA – Clark County School District finalizes roughly $25M in budget cuts ()

CALIFORNIA – The neighborhood tug-of-war over opening a Santa Monica preschool ()

Think Pieces:

CHARTERS – Why are charter schools more popular in some states than others? ()

SCHOOL DISCIPLINE — Opinion: What’s Missing in the Student Discipline Debate? Common Sense ()

OBESITY — More than half of American children set to be obese by age 35, study finds ()

Quote of the Day:

“Too many school leaders falsely believe you can’t handle too much change at once. If you only try to change one piece of a complex organization, that one change doesn’t fit with the rest of the structure and so the system tends to hate that change. What we’ve learned is that really what you want to do is reinvent the whole thing at once.”

—Paul Curtis, network curriculum director at New Technology High School in Napa, South Carolina. (Read at The 74Million.org)

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