

State Board Reviews Post-Pandemic Recovery, Approves Three-Year Graduation Pathway

Students may apply with their public school unit to graduate early by completing a request form.

The Oct. 31-Nov. 2 State Board of Education planning meeting in Greenville. Hannah McClellan/EducationNC)

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At the first State Board of Education meeting of 2024 this week, Chair Eric Davis made comments regarding the work public schools are doing to overcome challenges created and exacerbated by the pandemic.

鈥淥ur students鈥 challenges around attendance, mental health, and learning are interconnected and mutually reinforcing,鈥 Davis said. 鈥淪o they require a holistic and integrated response. I urge all of us to focus our energies on actions and solutions that complete these challenges — ever in service of our students and the educators in our public schools.鈥

Davis said the recovery gap remains wide and may feel wider on top of existing equity gaps, but called on those listening to remain hopeful.

鈥淗onestly facing these brutal realities has the potential to manifest within us feelings of dejection and of being overwhelmed. But let鈥檚 find strength in remembering that those who came before us faced even greater challenges, and they instilled in us the spirit to overcome and to leave this a better place for future generations,” Davis said. “And we can set aside our differences and work together for the common good.”

This week’s meeting also included a report on the pandemic鈥檚 impact on North Carolina鈥檚 schools, unanimous approval of a temporary rule for three-year high school graduation policy, and proposed adoption of new temporary school athletics rules which, among other things, bar transgender athletes from participating in the sport that most closely aligns with their gender.

Year-over-year report

The state budget provided funds for the N.C. Department of Public Instruction (DPI) to partner with for a of student learning before, during, and after the pandemic. The analysis measures students’ standardized test scores from 2013 to 2023.

North Carolina remains one of the first states to conduct such an analysis, said Jeni Corn, director of research and evaluation for DPI.

鈥淭racking academic recovery across a decade 鈥 spanning from 2013 to 2023 鈥 is something that has enabled our agency to chart a roadmap out of the pandemic and put our students on the path to recovery,鈥 state Superintendent Catherine Truitt said in a press release. 鈥淲hile there is more work to be done, our agency鈥檚 Office of Learning Recovery and Acceleration has worked closely with school leaders to help them design recovery programs and strategically target resources based on this data. North Carolina鈥檚 students are resilient, and I know we will continue to see improvements with time.鈥

The found achievement in standardized testing before the pandemic was generally stable. In 2021, during the height of the pandemic, all assessment results evaluated except for English II showed a sharp downward trend.

The next year, however, most assessment results showed improvement, though many did not meet a recovery threshold. By 2023, most assessments continued to improve, and the third-grade reading EOG and the English II EOC have exceeded the recovery threshold, emerging above the pre-pandemic trend.

A graph from the presentation on the year over year analysis depicting third grade EOG reading scores over the past decade and the impact the pandemic had on student achievement. The graph shows recovery in this subject and grade emerging from the pandemic. (The State Board of Education)

John White, vice president of SAS EVAAS for K-12, called the positive trend for third-grade reading results a 鈥渂right spot.鈥

鈥淭hat鈥檚 a very positive story, a very positive subject and grade,鈥 White said.

Achievement in math assessments was harder hit by the pandemic than that in reading assessments, the report found. Individual results varied greatly across schools in the state, according to the report.

White said the data could help others understand the huge impact the pandemic left on learning while also showing the recovery process.

Three-year high school graduation

The General Assembly鈥檚 2023 budget requires the Board to make a path accessible to students across the state. Students may apply with their public school unit to graduate early by completing a request form. Unless the student is emancipated or over the age of 18, the form must be signed by the student鈥檚 parent or guardian.

Read more on the three-year graduation requirements and discussion on the matter .

Changes to school athletics

The Board鈥檚 proposed for adoption new temporary for interscholastic sports this week. The new rules are in accordance with passed last year that would require school sports team to be based on sex assigned at birth, among other things.

Other rules relate to administration of athletes, student health and safety, the appeal process of final decisions, penalty rules, and more.

The Board is required to enact these temporary rules by the 2024-25 school year and expects to adopt them at their March meeting.

Other important happenings:

  • The Board approved temporary rules for parental concern hearings, as required by , better known as the Parents鈥 Bill of Rights. Read more about the rules .
  • The Board heard a presentation on , a nonprofit organization that allows schools to benefit students through providing learning on fields in technology, such as artificial intelligence or cybersecurity 鈥.
  • Board members approved updates that clarify procedures relating to the , in which certain public school districts receive charter-like flexibilities.
  • The board held discussion, but took no action, on authorizing Moreland University and Kipp North Carolina, a charter school, as an Educator Preparation Program.
  • The Board submitted two reports to the General Assembly on and a study for
  • The Board received a 2023 School Mental Health Policy report.

This first appeared on and is republished here under a Creative Commons license.

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