

Neo-Nazi Curriculum Condemned By Ohio Homeschooling Leader; Parents Banned

The leader of a homeschooling group says the full membership shouldn鈥檛 be judged due to one

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The leader of an Ohio homeschooling group that once included an Upper Sandusky couple reportedly using a neo-Nazi curriculum has now condemned it and said homeschooling shouldn鈥檛 be judged by one 鈥渟ick parenting issue.鈥

The couple, ,鈥 was reported to the Ohio Department of Education, who said it was looking into them after an initial news story by Vice.

Asked for an update of that investigation late last week, the department did not provide a specific update but simply said that parents or guardians who decide to educate their children at home are responsible for choosing the curriculum and course of study, and that and no direct state financial assistance is provided to families who choose this option.

Homeschooling curriculums and participation are largely at the discretion of those leading the homeschooling, something that is enshrined even in Ohio administrative code regulating home education.

Deborah Gerth, head of the Ohio Homeschooling Parents group, said Katja Lawrence, alleged leader of the 鈥渄issident homeschooling鈥 along with her husband Logan, was a 鈥渘on-active鈥 member of their group, but once the allegations came to light, she was banned.

Though the only comments Katja Lawrence made as part of social media discussions within the group were about her love for the Dutch language, the news reported by Vice made Gerth and other members of the group feel compelled to remove the couple.

鈥淭here鈥檚 no room here for bigotry; there鈥檚 no room for hatred of any kind,鈥 Gerth told the OCJ. 鈥淲e鈥檙e not giving her a platform for anything.鈥

Gerth also said members of the group looked into the 2,500 members of the 鈥淒issident Homeschool鈥 group on the social network Telegram and concluded that many of the members don鈥檛 live in the United States.

While the condemnation of the group is warranted, Gerth said the criticism of homeschooling overall isn鈥檛.

鈥淭hat鈥檚 a parenting issue. It鈥檚 a sick parenting issue,鈥 Gerth said. 鈥淭he vast majority of home educators are doing this because we want to do what鈥檚 best for our children.鈥

A message posted on the Ohio Homeschooling Parents鈥 Facebook page said 鈥渇ringe groups鈥 do not represent the homeschooling community at large.

鈥淧arents teaching their children crazy things can happen regardless of the educational placement, since evenings, weekends and summers still exist and life is not just 8-3 Monday through Friday,鈥 the post, dated Jan. 31, stated.

Calls for increased oversight into decision-making and curriculum aren鈥檛 new to Gerth, who has homeschooled all three of her kids, the youngest of which is now 16. She said any time an isolated incident connected to homeschooling comes about, it can lead to a desire for more supervision of home education.

鈥淵ou don鈥檛 make a law based on the one outlier, or based on the one wackadoodle,鈥 Gerth said. 鈥淚t鈥檚 a horrible situation, but you can鈥檛 judge the 99 by the one who makes the rest look bad.鈥

Curriculum freedom

Homeschoolers enjoy a kind of freedom when it comes to deciding how their children are taught, and what subjects take the forefront in homeschooling. There are many different types of homeschooling, from traditional unit-based study to 鈥渦nschooling鈥 which focuses on student-led learning.

Administrative code states that parents who elect to homeschool their child need to notify the superintendent of their local district before the first week of school for traditional public schools in the area, or one week after a child is withdrawn from school.

There are commercial curricula homeschool teachers can use and there are other less stringent courses of study that can be led by the parent or the child based on growth goals.

Ohio homeschoolers have to follow guidelines spelled out in the state鈥檚 , which says homeschool teachers must give 鈥渁ssurance鈥 that certain subjects are covered:

  • Language, reading, spelling and writing
  • Geography, history of the United States and Ohio; and national state and local government
  • Mathematics
  • Science
  • Health
  • Physical Education
  • Fine Arts, including music
  • First aid, safety, and fire prevention

But Ohio鈥檚 administrative code on home education, last updated in 2019, provides exceptions for 鈥渁ny concept, topic, or practice that is in conflict with the sincerely held religious beliefs of the parent.鈥

A 鈥渂rief outline of the intended curriculum鈥 is also asked for, though 鈥渟uch outline is for informational purposes only,鈥 according to state code.

The Upper Sandusky Exempted Village Schools superintendent sent a letter to parents after the Lawrence鈥檚 alleged curriculum came to light, saying the district 鈥渧ehemently condemns any such resources鈥 and that the district board of education鈥檚 policy is 鈥渢o maintain an education environment that is free from all forms of unlawful harassment based on protected classes.鈥

Superintendent Eric Landversicht said he learned about the allegations against the group after a news reporter requested information on homeschooling. The district鈥檚 response explained that the district must receive written notification and 鈥渁ssurances鈥 from parents, but what the children study is up to the parents.

Parents are responsible for choosing the curriculum and course of study. The parents’ chosen curriculum is not sponsored or endorsed by the district.

鈥 Superintendent Eric Landversicht, Upper Sandusky Exempted Village Schools

A homeschooling teacher is qualified with a high school diploma or high school equivalency certificate, but can also qualify under state regulations with 鈥渟tandardized test scores that demonstrate high school equivalence鈥 or 鈥渙ther equivalent credential found appropriate by the superintendent.鈥

At the end of the day, individual school districts keep tabs on the homeschoolers in their districts, through notification letters and annual documentation, along with assessments at the end of a school year, often led by a certified teacher.

It鈥檚 the local superintendents who can initiate truancy actions if parents aren鈥檛 providing the necessary documentation, but before any action takes place, districts can send reminder letters if parents have missed a deadline or remediation requests if the district isn鈥檛 sure a child has met educational standards.

鈥淚t鈥檚 a structure that gives us the freedom to do what we feel we need to for our kids, but also we know we can get help if we need it,鈥 Gerth said.

Senate Bill 1

As debate over homeschooling continues amid the controversy of the reported neo-Nazi curriculum, homeschooling groups are keeping a sharp eye on the legislature, and potential measures that could affect them.

One bill is at the forefront of them all: Senate Bill 1. The bill would overhaul the entire state Department of Education, including the State Board of Education鈥檚 authority, and move leadership of the department to a position within the governor鈥檚 cabinet.

Gerth said she and other home educators are against the bill, despite discussions related to the bill that have specifically mentioned homeschooling.

SB 1 sponsor state Sen. Bill Reineke said, in introducing the bill to the Senate Education Committee last month, that it would 鈥済uarantee homeschooling families the ability to home-educate their child by exempting a child from compulsory school attendance when that child is receiving instruction in core subject areas from their parents.鈥

Another bill being considered in the Ohio Senate is The bill is primarily a private school voucher expansion, but would also give homeschoolers up to $2,000 in state tax credits.

鈥淚t鈥檚 really important that we don鈥檛 take the tax credit,鈥 Gerth said. 鈥淲e don鈥檛 want state funding; we don鈥檛 want their help.鈥

She sees state funding as 鈥渁 target on our back鈥 and a way to bring about more scrutiny to the homeschool community.

鈥淚f we start taking a tax credit for homeschooling, then we have the opportunity to be open for criticism of how we use that money,鈥 Gerth told the OCJ.

Instead, the homeschooling group will continue following the law, according to their leader.

The post condemning the Lawrences on the Ohio Homeschooling Parents鈥 Facebook page also directed members to 鈥渒now the law, and follow it *strictly and minimally*鈥 (asterisks theirs).

It also advised members not to 鈥渢ake the dangling carrots of 鈥榯ax credits鈥 or 鈥榮chool choice money鈥 when that is offered.鈥

ODE response

When asked for an update on the ODE investigation into the Lawrences on Friday, a spokesperson for the state agency said 鈥減arents or guardians who decide to educate their children at home are responsible for choosing the curriculum and course of study鈥 and no 鈥渄irect state financial assistance鈥 is provided to families who choose this option.

The ODE also provided an 鈥渙verview of statutory and regulatory requirements connected to home education,鈥 directly taken from Ohio law, in response to the OCJ鈥檚 request for an investigation update.

The response did not specifically name the Lawrences or the investigation.

The department had previously said it 鈥渄oes not review or approve home school curriculum.鈥

Interim Superintendent of Public Instruction Stephanie K. Siddens said in a statement she 鈥渆mphatically and categorically denounce the racist, antisemitic and fascist ideology and materials being circulated as reported in recent media stories.鈥

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