

North Carolina Democrats say Budget Impasse Harms Teachers, Students

With the state budget 45 days late, a a former Durham school board chairwoman said it鈥檚 clear that educating children is no longer a priority for N.C.

Durham lawmakers Vernetta Alston, Marcia Morey, Mike Woodard and Zach Hawkins discuss budget delay in downtown Durham on Aug. 14. (Greg Childress)

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State Republicans鈥 failure to reach agreement on the budget is 鈥渋nexcusable鈥 and 鈥渋rresponsible鈥 and will negatively impact North Carolina鈥檚 school children and educators, a group of Durham Democratic lawmakers said on Monday.

Durham鈥檚 legislative delegation took part in a series of statewide press conferences held to highlight the state of public schools as most students who attend traditional calendar schools prepare to return to classrooms. Thousands of year-round students are already in school.

The state budget is 45 days late and House Speaker Tim Moore has said lawmakers won鈥檛 likely have a budget in place until sometime after Labor Day, said Rep. Marcia Morey, a Durham Democrat.

鈥淲eek after week this summer, we [Democrats] have been ready to go in and to do the work and to vote, but the Republican leadership has decided that their far away vacations and conferences are more important,鈥 Morey said 鈥淭his has got to stop.鈥

Without a state budget, Morey said educators can鈥檛 budget personal finances. Gov. Roy Cooper鈥檚 budget proposal and House and Senate spending plans all contain teacher pay raises.

鈥淗ow do educators plan their own finances when they don鈥檛 know what their salaries will be?鈥 Morey said.

Durham鈥檚 legislative delegation was joined by several local school board members and educators during their morning press conference in downtown Durham. Similar events were scheduled throughout the state.

Rep. Zack Hawkins, a Duham Democrat, said that underfunded schools impact academic outcomes. Teachers must be paid well and given adequate resources to educate children, Hawkins said.

鈥淭hey [teachers] can鈥檛 bring to life science and math and all the things that they鈥檙e [children] are expected to learn, they can鈥檛 bring those things to life if they don鈥檛 have what they need,鈥 said Hawkins, a former teacher.

Sen. Mike Woodard, a Durham Democrat, said that the state鈥檚 Republican leadership continues to disinvest in public education.

鈥淭his General Assembly has continued now a dozen years of disinvestment in our public education system, whether it鈥檚 through vouchers, whether it鈥檚 through failing to invest in our capital needs or whether its failure to invest in our most important infrastructure in our schools, which is our people,鈥 said Woodard, who recently announced plans to run for Durham mayor.

Woodard said that expanding the school voucher program to allow access to the state鈥檚 wealthiest families will take more funding from public schools to hand over to largely unregulated private schools.

鈥淭hey [Republicans] forget to tell you when the talk about choice with their voucher program is how many tens of millions of dollars go unused,鈥 Woodard said. 鈥淔amilies aren鈥檛 using these things because what they realize is that vouchers sound good until you qualify for it and take it to a private school and find out that it only pays a small portion of the school鈥檚 tuition.鈥

A family can receive up to nearly $7,000 to send a child to a private school under the income-based Opportunity Scholarship program.

Woodard criticized Republican leaders for their failure to adequately fund school capital needs, particularly in rural counties that lack the tax base to pay for building needs with local money.

鈥淐hildren cannot learn when their rooms are hot, cold, leaky or dirty,鈥 Woodard said.

The press conference comes two days before lawmakers return to Raleigh to take up several key pieces of controversial聽Republican-backed education legislation vetoed by Gov. Roy Cooper.

Rep. Vernetta Alston, a Durham Democrat, said local teachers worry that they can鈥檛 afford to stay in the profession.

鈥淭hey say they simply can鈥檛 afford to stay in the career that they love and that staying requires them to take on more work and administrative roles than they were hired or trained to do in order to get the raises that they have already more than earned,鈥 Alston said.

Minnie Forte-Brown, a former Durham school board chairwoman, said that it鈥檚 clear that educating children is no longer a priority for North Carolina.

鈥淲e need to do something that shows people that if you don鈥檛 care about our children, we鈥檙e going to show you that you need to,鈥 Forte-Brown said. 鈥淭eachers in North Carolina have been at the bottom for so long that it doesn鈥檛 make sense.鈥

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