

North Carolina Child Care Providers Rally at General Assembly

Advocates are asking for emergency funding to avoid child care closures.

Liz Bell/EducationNC

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Federal child care relief funding runs out in less than seven weeks. Hundreds of providers, parents, and advocates showed up at the North Carolina legislature Thursday to call for emergency funding to replace it.

Without intervention, about 20% of the state鈥檚 child care facilities are at risk of closing within a year afterward, of providers in February found.

Advocates are asking for a one-time $300 million allocation to extend grants that providers have been receiving through federal funding since 2021 and that end on June 30. , a coalition of organizations, child care program owners and administrators, and educators across the state, hosted the event.

鈥淭hat鈥檚 just enough to keep our doors open at the end of June, until we can figure out a better plan,鈥 said Emma Biggs, director of Pathway Preschool Center in Charlotte and a member of the National Domestic Workers Alliance (NDWA).

The funding is running out across the country, and facilities are struggling to survive the post-pandemic realities of providing child care. Some states have stepped in to create public funding streams or extend stabilization funding. In states that have not, care has become .

In North Carolina, almost 30% of providers responding to the same survey in February said they expect to close at some point after that funding ends, which the survey estimates will affect more than 90,000 children. Almost 90% of respondents said they expect to increase tuition.

鈥淲e want spaces for children,鈥 Courtney Alexander, a child care fellow with NDWA and a provider in Charlotte, told the crowd on Thursday. 鈥淲e want spaces for families. We want a fair living wage. Behind every statistic about program closures and cutbacks are real stories of care workers forced to choose between a career they love and their financial stability.鈥

鈥楢 mass exodus鈥

Laterria Lassiter, a former owner of a home-based child care program in Charlotte, is one of those workers who felt she had to leave the industry.

鈥淚 don鈥檛 want anyone to have to go through what I had to go through when I closed,鈥 Lassiter said.

She said she shut her doors because she could not make the finances work. During the first year of operating her program, she said, she expected to lose some money. 鈥淚 saw it as a start-up,鈥 she said. 鈥淎ny business, you鈥檙e going to have a loss and a small profit for the first year, but it continued like that. It never changed.鈥

Most child care providers are operating on less than a 1% profit margin, according to economists at the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis. They are stuck between reducing costs and raising fees with the knowledge that teachers won鈥檛 stay for less and families can鈥檛 afford more.

鈥淚 could see that the parents were struggling themselves, and I just didn鈥檛 know how to make that balance, with making them pay, when everybody was going through a crisis,鈥 Lassiter said.

Most programs used the federal stabilization grants to increase teacher compensation so they could keep their staff. The median child care teacher wage was $13.99 an hour in May 2023, . As the grants run out, providers are left with a gap in their budgets.

鈥淚f we go back on pay, we know we鈥檙e gonna have a mass exodus of educators,鈥 Biggs said.

鈥業f we don鈥檛 have child care, then we can鈥檛 work鈥

Many of the signs and speeches at the rally referenced the economic impacts of child care.

鈥淲e the people are asking for a sustainable infrastructure, the backbone of the economy,鈥 said Marilyn Bernabe, director of strategic initiatives at Rockingham County Partnership for Children. 鈥淭he infrastructure in place is not working. The government should step up and do everything they can to save this industry because it is a cornerstone in this country鈥檚 economy.鈥

Luke Stockhausen, a parent who came to the rally from Durham, said he and his wife started looking for a child care slot during the first trimester of his wife鈥檚 pregnancy.

鈥淚t didn鈥檛 make sense for my wife and I to not work, and it was a struggle,鈥 Stockhausen said. 鈥淚f we don鈥檛 have good child care, you鈥檙e gonna lose a percentage of the workforce.鈥

He showed up to support the teachers of the program his son attends, Branches Community School in Durham, he said.

鈥淲e鈥檙e here to support the teachers,鈥 he said. 鈥淲e鈥檙e here to support making sure that good child care is accessible to everyone. We think that it should be a priority for society overall to take care for our young ones.鈥

Mary Ryan, another parent from Durham, described a similar experience finding child care, adding her son to multiple waitlists and feeling lucky to access care as her maternity leave ended.

鈥淚f we don鈥檛 have child care, then we can鈥檛 work,鈥 Ryan said.

She took off work to attend the rally with the staff of Kate鈥檚 Korner, where her son is now enrolled.

鈥淚t鈥檚 only one day,鈥 Ryan said. 鈥淲hat鈥檚 going to happen if there isn鈥檛 consistent child care? What will that mean for my ability to keep my job? My husband鈥檚 ability to keep his job? It鈥檚 important for me to be here.鈥

鈥業 don鈥檛 feel seen鈥

Advocates asked for the same amount, $300 million, during last year鈥檚 legislative session, .

Instead, legislators allocated recurring funds ($32 million in the first year of the biennium and $43 million in the second) to raise the rates child care programs receive to participate in the subsidy program.

Legislators also gave $900,000 for each year of a two-year pilot in 14 counties called Tri-Share, a program that splits the cost of child care between participating employers, eligible employees, and the state.

At the rally Thursday, advocates asked for immediate action.

鈥淒on鈥檛 waste a dozen years like you did with Medicaid expansion,鈥 said Steve Luking, a physician from Rockingham County who is also running for the state Senate seat in District 26, currently occupied by Senate leader Phil Berger. 鈥淥ur families cannot wait that long. Our child care workers need improved wages. Our families need more affordable services. And our owners and operators need the financial support of the state to survive this crisis. It鈥檚 all a matter of priorities.鈥

Lassiter, the provider from Charlotte who had to close her program, has moved on to an advocacy role at MDC, a nonprofit research firm in Durham. She is coordinating advocacy among providers from across the state.

She feels lucky, she said, to have found another way to support her seven children. But she still wishes she could be providing care.

鈥淚t was never my desire to close,鈥 she said. 鈥淚 still get emotional about it.鈥

She said she showed up Thursday with a hope that others can stay in the field. She remembers when a licensing consultant told her all of the information about her facility will be taken down from the state鈥檚 database, she said.

鈥淲hen I look, there鈥檚 no record of me ever being there,鈥 she said. 鈥淚 don鈥檛 feel seen.鈥

This first appeared on and is republished here under a Creative Commons license.

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