

WATCH: Inside South Carolina鈥檚 Campaign to Empower Students with Technology #EDlection2016

This is the third EDlection 2016 film in a series that will profile the top education issues driving public discussion in the early primary states (see our dispatches from New Hampshire and Iowa). To read our previous coverage of education debates in South Carolina, as well as other EDlection stories from across the country, please see our full archive.
Technology can easily be overhyped as a 鈥済ame changer,鈥 but for the students of Spartanburg, South Carolina it鈥檚 an apt claim. A large investment by the district in education hardware and software 鈥 and a committed administration determined to integrate technology into the daily routines of both students and educators 鈥 is elevating outcomes for children who struggle with disabilities and other challenges.

Spartanburg鈥檚 District Seven is part of the League of Innovative Schools, a coalition of superintendents committed to elevating technology in the classrooms of 3.2 million kids nationwide. In our visit, The 74 saw firsthand how two students are overcoming significant challenges with grit 鈥 and just the right boost from, yes, game-changing technology.

笔谤辞诲耻肠别谤蝉:听Anne Lagamayo, Heather Martino, Kelly Creedon;聽颁补尘别谤补:听Kelly Creedon;聽贰诲颈迟辞谤:听Jim Fields

Previously: New Hampshire鈥檚 Top Education Issue? The Heroin Crisis

Iowa鈥檚 Grand Plan to Rethink High School as On-the-Job Training

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