

Economists: Abortion Ban Would Have Negative Impacts on Labor Force, Education

Hundreds gather at a rally to support abortion rights less than two weeks after a leaked Supreme Court draft opinion showed a likely reversal of Roe v. Wade, May 14, at the Ohio Statehouse, Columbus, Ohio. (Graham Stokes/Ohio Capital Journal)

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Nearly two dozen Ohio economists agreed that prohibiting abortion in Ohio would negatively impact labor force participation and educational attainment, according to a new survey.

The Ohio Economic Experts Panel answered . The survey asked whether the economists agreed that prohibition of abortion in Ohio would reduce 鈥渨omen鈥檚 educational attainment in the state,鈥 would 鈥渞educe women鈥檚 labor force participation in the state,鈥 and would reduce 鈥渨omen鈥檚 earnings in the state.鈥

The survey comes as Ohio awaits a decision from the U.S. Supreme Court on an abortion ban case, after a was leaked indicating the court is poised to strike down Roe v. Wade and with it, national abortion rights.

It also comes as if the 1973 abortion legalization court case is overturned sits in the General Assembly awaiting committee meetings and possible passage.

In the survey, 22 of 24 economists in the state agreed that abortion bans would cause decreases in education and economic abilities. 

鈥淥f the 22 who agreed abortion prohibition would decrease wages, economists commented on the tradeoff women have between working and parenting,鈥 Scioto Analysis stated in their survey summary. 

Of all the responses received, 鈥渟trongly agree鈥 overwhelmingly surpassed any other response.

Individual responses came mostly from those that agreed with the statements.

鈥淭he empirical evidence is very clear about the negative impact of unplanned pregnancies on women鈥檚 educational attainment, especially when support services are unavailable or unaffordable,鈥 said Dr. Fadhel Kaboub, of Denison University.

Those that entered 鈥渟trongly disagree鈥 responses didn鈥檛 include elaboration through individual responses.

Dr. Jonathan Andreas, of Bluffton University, agreed that abortion prohibitions would reduce women鈥檚 earnings in the state, but he said abortion 鈥渨ill have a small effect on average income and education statistics鈥 because those most affected by prohibition are 鈥渢he poorest women who have the least opportunities.鈥

鈥淢iddle-class and wealthy women just pay more money and get out-of-state abortions or pay illegal providers in the state,鈥 Andreas wrote.

Many of the comments focused on low-income communities and people of color as disparately impacted by an abortion ban in Ohio. 

鈥淓conomic research overwhelmingly indicates that abortion rights greatly affect the educational level, career opportunities, earning and wealth enhancement potential for women,鈥 said Dr. Diane Monaco, of Heidelberg University. 鈥淎bortion rights advantages are especially profound for historically marginalized women as well.鈥

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