

Bill Would Open Missouri Public School Sports to Homeschool Students

The legislation would also remove an enforcement mechanism to investigate educational neglect.

Sen. Ben Brown, R-Washington, listens during the first day of Missouri鈥檚 legislative session Jan. 4 (Annelise Hanshaw/Missouri Independent)

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A bill to allow home-educated students to participate in Missouri public school activities is back for the upcoming legislative session 鈥 and has been coupled with provisions rolling back state oversight of homeschooling families.

Sen. Ben Brown, a Washington Republican, pre-filed a 52-page bill that largely resembles the version he sponsored that cleared the Senate last session.

While it initially was only two pages and focused on giving homeschool kids the opportunity to play sports and join clubs in public schools, it now would add a new category for home-educated students and rescind attendance officers鈥 authority over homeschool families.

鈥淎s a former athlete myself whose childhood was greatly impacted by my participation in the sport of wrestling, I feel strongly that it is wrong to deny these potentially life-changing opportunities to children,鈥 Brown told the Senate Education and Workforce Development Committee during a March hearing.

The Missouri State High School Activities Association policy is to allow homeschooled students to participate in their local school districts鈥 sports if they are enrolled in at least one credit hour of instruction, which is typically two classes in non-block-scheduled schools. School districts are allowed to be more restrictive and ban homeschool participation.

Brown鈥檚 bill would prohibit schools from requiring enrollment in classes, but any instruction or training required for the club or sport would still be allowed.

No one testified in opposition to the bill in March, but that was expanded to remove local oversight of homeschooling families.


State Rep. Maggie Nurrenbern, a Kansas City Democrat, said what concerns her about the legislation is 鈥渟imply not knowing which students are being homeschooled.鈥

鈥淚t鈥檚 imperative鈥 that when parents make the decision to homeschool their child, we have some reporting procedures in place so that we know which students are actually being homeschooled,鈥 she said in an interview with The Independent.

The bill would remove a section of state law that says families 鈥渕ay provide鈥  a declaration of enrollment stating their intent for the child to attend a home school鈥 to the local school district or the county recorder of deeds.

Kim Quon, a regional director for the Missouri homeschool advocacy organization Families for Home Education, told The Independent that the statute鈥檚 wording 鈥渃auses confusion for everybody.鈥

She said the declaration of enrollment is optional because the law says they 鈥渕ay provide鈥 that document. Quon recommends families notify a school in writing if a child is homeschooled, but some have felt obligated to do this by school administrators.

The bill also would rescind a law allowing attendance officers to investigate compliance with the state鈥檚 . The law requires home schools to offer at least 1,000 hours of instruction, with at least 600 of those in core subjects like reading and math.

Quon said families document their hours of learning but do not submit that information for review.

鈥淲e don鈥檛 submit our hours,鈥 she said. 鈥淚t鈥檚 not anybody鈥檚 business.鈥

She is also opposed to attendance officers checking on homeschooling families, saying: 鈥淭here just doesn鈥檛 need to be that level of scrutiny.鈥

School attendance officers and the Department of Social Services鈥檚 Children鈥檚 Division can assess whether a child is being neglected after being removed from public school.

found that 36% of families that pulled their children out of public school in a three-year period had at least one accepted report of child abuse or neglect. A majority had multiple reports of abuse or neglect.

Quon said the Children鈥檚 Division could still investigate instances of neglect, but she is worried attendance officers may abuse their power.

The Independent asked if she heard of attendance officers investigating families that are tracking hours and homeschooling.

鈥淚 don鈥檛 know,鈥 she said. 鈥淚鈥檓 not aware of this happening too terribly much. But the fact that it鈥檚 there leaves that option for anybody to do that.鈥

Homeschooled athletes

Quon said homeschooling families have different reactions to the idea of their kids in public-school sports and clubs.

Some value the privacy of being detached from the school district while others desire access to the amenities their tax dollars help pay for.

Brown鈥檚 bill could help alleviate some homeschooling families鈥 privacy concerns, said Zeke Spieker, legislative assistant to Sen. Jill Carter, a Republican from Granby. Carter testified in favor of Brown鈥檚 bill in March.

鈥淭here鈥檚 always a concern that when you give school students access to these activities that there are going to be some strings attached that would cause a loss of homeschool freedom,鈥 Spieker said. 鈥淪o last year, in an effort to try to assuage some of those concerns, they created the FLEX category.鈥

Brown鈥檚 bill calls for the defining of 鈥淔LEX schools,鈥 or family-led educational experience schools. The differences between FLEX students and homeschool students are that FLEX students can participate in public-school activities and obtain K-12 scholarships through the state鈥檚 MOScholars tax-credit program.

Spieker, who was homeschooled himself, said some homeschooling families are still concerned about the FLEX language.

He and his family have talked with home educators for years and made trips to the Missouri Capitol to ask for the ability to play in public school sports.

Spieker said he鈥檚 watched opportunities for homeschooled children grow during his family鈥檚 advocacy. His brother Jonah, a high-school senior, was homeschooled but played on Webb City鈥檚 football team.

Quon said the bill could benefit students further away from Missouri鈥檚 major cities the most, where there aren鈥檛 many options outside of public school activities.

She said the Families for Home Education鈥檚 position on the legislation is 鈥渘eutral as long as nobody does anything crazy with the bill.鈥

Last legislative session, the bill expanded in a House committee to include provisions about four-day school weeks, school board vacancies, foster-child enrollment and other education matters. It was never debated on the House floor.

Nurrenbern said the amendments will likely determine the bill鈥檚 fate.

鈥淭here will be hopefully some good amendments that can be attached to this and make it,鈥 she said. 鈥淚f there鈥檚 more good than bad in the bill, I think it will pass.鈥

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