

Alabama State Superintendent Warns About Upcoming Costs, Loss of Federal Money

Mackey said that there are districts that have only spent around 25% of their federal relief funds, which expire in 18 months

Alabama State Schools Superintendent Eric Mackey listens during the Alabama State Board of Education鈥檚 regular meeting on Feb. 9, in Montgomery, Alabama. (Brian Lyman/Alabama Reflector)

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Alabama鈥檚 ambitions for high-quality education could be restrained by staffing shortages and a looming loss of federal relief funds, the state schools鈥 chief told legislators on Thursday.

State Superintendent Eric Mackey Thursday said the department was working toward goals outlined in a nearly three-year old strategic plan, but added that the state continued to struggle to attract teachers, especially in rural areas.

Mackey gave the lawmakers outlines of the goals for education in Alabama and referred to the 鈥淪trategic Plan鈥 of 鈥渁cademic growth and achievement;鈥 鈥渃ollege, career, and workforce ready;鈥 鈥渟afe & supportive learning environment;鈥 鈥渉ighly effective educators鈥 and 鈥渃ustomer friendly services.鈥 This plan was unveiled the day the coronavirus epidemic shut down schools in March 2020.

鈥淲e had the dubious distinction of rolling it out on March the 12th, 2020, the day before we closed the schools for the rest of the year,鈥 he said. 鈥淪o, nobody paid any attention to it.鈥

, the federal government passed the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) Fund. The federal government distributed the ESSER funds in three separate rounds, providing over $3 billion to Alabama. ESSER funds can be used to educate students and alleviate the effects of the pandemic.

The final round of funds, known as the American Rescue Plan ESSER, or ESSER III, must be budgeted by or the funds will expire. , only around 37% of Alabama鈥檚 total ESSER funds have been spent.

Mackey said that there are districts that have only spent around 25% of their funds.

鈥淭hey still have 18 months,鈥 Markey said. 鈥淏ut that means in the next 18 months, they have to spend 75% of their money.鈥

Some of the slow spending has been the result of supply chain problems, Mackey said. The United States Department of Education has also encouraged districts to spend ESSER funds on personnel, but many rural districts have struggled to attract teachers.

鈥淪ome of our very rural communities can鈥檛 find more people to hire,鈥 he said. 鈥淚n other words, they鈥檙e even having a hard time finding teacher assistants, not just certified teachers.鈥

Federal money has been spent on summer reading camps created by the 2019 Alabama Literacy Act. Under the law, third-graders who do not read at grade level by the end of the year are held back, with some exceptions.  The state has operated summer reading camps with this goal in mind. According to Mackey鈥檚 presentation, at least 6,389 kindergarteners; 8,713 first graders, 8,471 second graders and 8,243 third graders have been served by these camps. The state spent $18 million on the camp in 2022.

Summer reading camps funded with federal money are scheduled to operate this year and in 2024.

The Numeracy Act, passed last year, aims to improve math instruction in Alabama schools. The state will open summer math camps this year, paid for through state funds.

Mackey said that they can fund the camps through the next two years. But in 2025, the camps will need to be funded by the state because the ESSER funds will be gone. State legislators will need to find $48 million for the math and reading camps that year.

鈥淭hat鈥檚 why we鈥檙e always trying to focus on what鈥檚 coming down the road,鈥 he said.

is part of States Newsroom, a network of news bureaus supported by grants and a coalition of donors as a 501c(3) public charity. Alabama Reflector maintains editorial independence. Contact Editor Brian Lyman for questions: info@alabamareflector.com. Follow Alabama Reflector on and .

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