

Alabama Department of Education Wants to Give Stipends for Special Ed Teachers

Program would aim to retain and recruit personnel.

Alabama State Schools Superintendent Eric Mackey listens during the Alabama State Board of Education鈥檚 regular meeting on February 9, 2023 in Montgomery, Alabama. (Brian Lyman/Alabama Reflector)

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Jennifer Church, the lead special education teacher at Pelham Ridge Elementary School in Pelham, knows how much her colleagues do before stepping into a classroom.

鈥淭he referral meetings, eligibility meetings, IEP (individualized educational plan) meetings, the parent contacts just to organize all of that,鈥 she said. 鈥淲riting the IEPS 鈥 providing the services to the students each day and then also helping with any general education assignments that need to be helped with in the classroom.鈥

And to keep special education teachers in place, the Alabama State Department of Education is asking the Legislature for a little bit more.

The department鈥檚 budget request includes a call for a stipend for special education teachers in the hopes of recruiting new teachers and retaining existing ones in areas with shortages.

Michael Sibley, spokesman for the department, said over email that the stipend amount requested is $5,000 and 20% ($1,000) benefits for each teacher.

A new teacher in Alabama with a bachelor鈥檚 degree would make A new teacher in Mississippi at a would make A new teacher in Georgia with a would make the base teacher salary in Tennessee is $42,000.

Special education is a term that covers a range of specialties, and special education teachers work with students with a range of needs. Some of those specialties have greater shortages than others. But the department for now but, for now, they are looking at a flat stipend across the board for special education teachers.

Mackey said the goal is to convince people to become special education teachers.

鈥淭his year, the Legislature provided a $1,000 stipend but it only went to special ed teachers who were paid for out of the state budget, foundation program budget,鈥 he said.

This year鈥檚 request would cover teachers paid for by federal and local funds, as well. His goal is to provide the stipends for every special education teacher in the state.

Both Mackey and special education educators across the state have said that it鈥檚 important that specially trained teachers are the ones who work with special education students.

鈥淚f you鈥檙e a parent of a child that has these really severe needs, then you want to make sure you have the most qualified teacher working with them,鈥 he said.

Akeliah Palmer, a collaborative resource and special education teacher at Edgewood Elementary School in Selma, said that she has about 30 students on her caseload.

She said that special education is hard to staff, so she hopes the stipend might help in recruiting.

鈥淔or them to keep the stipend would be a great idea because it may recruit more workers to come over to [special education],鈥 she said.

Church said that forging personal relationships is also important for her role as a special education teacher.

鈥淚t鈥檚 not just one blanket plan for the children,鈥 she said. 鈥淚t鈥檚 individualized to each child. So we write these for their strengths, their weaknesses, the services that they need. It also has to be legally defensible.鈥

Cynthia Rysedorph, special education department chair at Mountain Brook High School, said that she thinks a stipend could encourage teachers to stay in the classroom.

鈥淚t was somewhat empowering, I think, just to feel recognized,鈥 she said about this past year鈥檚 stipend..

Retention is critical, Mackey said, because of the volume of work special education teachers do.

鈥淏ecause of special ed is obviously an area that鈥檚 intense focus, there is a lot of additional paperwork because the significance of some federal rules around that, so we often hear teachers say, 鈥榊ou know what, I鈥檓 going to leave teaching special ed, and just teach fourth grade, because it鈥檚 the same pay,鈥欌 he said.

Mackey said that the department is targeting teachers trained and certified to teach both special education and elementary general education. Some of those teachers might have gone to general education, and he wants the stipend to encourage them to come back to special education. He said those teachers are certified under collaborative special education.

For now, he said, the department is looking at a flat stipend, but Mackey left open the possibility of offering more in areas with particular shortages.

鈥淭hat鈥檚 something certainly could be discussed,鈥 he said. 鈥淟ike, you know, the Legislature comes back and wants to talk about, 鈥榃ell, what if we do a different amount for a child, for a teacher who has students with learning disabilities versus one with students who have medical disabilities?鈥

Last year, the Department asked for $68 million and received $4.6 million for special education stipends. This year, the department has requested for $34 million. House education budget chair Danny Garrett, R-Trussville, said in October he did not have any information about the funding this year going up as he has not seen the request or had discussions.

The Alabama State Board of Education鈥檚 budget request goes to the governor鈥檚 office. The governor makes a recommendation of her version that then goes to the Legislature who will approve their version of the budget.

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