

A Nation at Greater Risk: 7 Education Secretaries Reflect on 35 Years of Students and Stumbles, With Regret and Hope

Ann Compton, former ABC News White House correspondent, moderates a panel on the 鈥淧urpose of Education鈥 with former U.S. education secretaries Rod Paige, Margaret Spellings, Arne Duncan, and John B. King. (Photo credit: Emmeline Zhao/The 74)

It may have been the first time they were all in one place: Seven of the 11 secretaries of the U.S. Department of Education, including all but two of those still living. The department, relatively young for a cabinet agency, dates only to 1979.

They have aged. Some move more slowly. They have gone on to the second and third acts in their professional lives. One runs a major university; another leads the Senate education committee. One shuns the limelight; another is a regular fixture on Twitter, lobbing rhetorical grenades at President Trump and the National Rifle Association.

On Thursday, they assembled at the Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center in Washington, D.C., to mark the 35th anniversary of the landmark 鈥淎 Nation at Risk鈥 report.

It is a testament to the galvanic impact of the disarmingly slim document 鈥 at 36 pages, it is shorter than the appendices to many Education Department research reports 鈥 that they showed up at all. Democrat and Republican, they came to honor the now-famous Reagan-era call to combat 鈥渢he rising tide of mediocrity鈥 that gave rise to the school reform movement, and to measure the progress made since 1983.

The news was grim. As if to remind a distracted nation of the report鈥檚 continued relevance, test scores released Tuesday from the most recent National Assessment of Educational Progress continued a decade-long lull, with only marginal improvement in eighth-grade reading.

鈥淥verall, we are still a nation at risk, and I would say even greater risk today,鈥 said Education Secretary Betsy DeVos.

But a number of her predecessors were more emphatic, lamenting a current lack of collective will to tackle the nation鈥檚 pressing problems in education.

鈥淲e lack of a sense of urgency,鈥 said Margaret Spellings, who served as George W. Bush鈥檚 second education secretary. 鈥淲e all served at a time when we had presidents that were really using that national bully pulpit to drive closing the achievement gap. People are exhausted with education reform or feel like it鈥檚 not possible to close the achievement gap. The boulder is drifting back down the hill.鈥

Arne Duncan, secretary for most of Barack Obama鈥檚 tenure, was even more pointed. 鈥淚f you ask anyone in the current administration what their education goal is, I don鈥檛 think you鈥檒l get a coherent answer,鈥 he said. 鈥淭hat worries me.鈥

It was a reminder that 鈥淎 Nation at Risk鈥 resonates with vastly different constituencies. Like many things in education, the politics don鈥檛 line up neatly, blue versus red. They split more along the lines of interventionists 鈥 represented by the Bush administration and its mammoth No Child Left Behind law, and Obama, with his billion-dollar investments in Race to the Top and School Improvement Grants 鈥 and those favoring local control, for whom DeVos is the current champion. It may have been no accident that the interventionists, including Rod Paige and John King, participated in one panel, while DeVos and Reagan-era secretary William Bennett 鈥 a link to an earlier era of relative austerity and laissez-faire 鈥 sat on another. Maybe they don鈥檛 play well together.

(Photo credit: Twitter.com/MarkusSBOE)

Lamar Alexander, who served as education secretary under George H.W. Bush, is often the man in the middle in the world of education politics. He described the past 40 years of federal education policy as 鈥淭he Rise and Fall of the National School Board,鈥 which began with the federal Education Department acting as a 鈥渂ully pulpit鈥 under Reagan, then grew under George W. Bush and Obama, and now, after the passage of the Every Student Succeeds Act, is returning to something of a bully pulpit under DeVos.

鈥淓SSA restores to state and local government the responsibility鈥 of responding to school problems, said Alexander, now a senator from Tennessee and chair of the Senate education committee.

But what if states take the easy way out? What if they seize upon their newfound flexibility to disregard low-performing populations of students or even, as DeVos herself recently suggested, simply offer plans that are uninspired and maybe a bit dull? For all their noted excesses, the education departments under Bush and Obama were unafraid to wield a punitive stick when necessary.

Asked about the issue, Spellings let out a deep sigh.

鈥淥丑, Lord,鈥 she drawled. 鈥淚鈥檓 a big card-carrying Republican, and what I鈥檓 going to say 鈥 and I think it鈥檚 a very Republican principle 鈥 is that if we invest billions that we have in poor and minority kids, special education students, etc., we ought to get something for our money, and we do that by focusing on accountability for their performance.鈥

States can use jargon-laden 鈥渨onkery鈥 to game the system and 鈥渓eave kids out,鈥 she said. At the same time, some well-meaning local officials like the political cover the feds offer when unpopular decisions are needed.

鈥淚f I had a nickel for every superintendent and every chief state school officer that said, 鈥楾hank you, federal government, for keeping that push, that wind in your back,鈥 鈥 she said. 鈥淭he pressure to relent at the local level is fierce.鈥

A bygone era

They speak more freely now, this select group of alumni who witnessed history in the making firsthand. Asked about his most indelible memory as secretary, Paige mentioned the early morning of Sept. 11, 2001, when he accompanied President George W. Bush to Emma E. Booker Elementary School in Sarasota County, Florida. The president was reading聽The Pet Goat聽with a group of urban first-graders when news came that a plane had hit the north tower of the World Trade Center. Soon, Bush was quickly whisked off to Air Force One, leaving Paige and the education entourage behind.

鈥淟ater, I said, 鈥楳r. President, I go all over the nation promoting No Child Left Behind for you, but you left me in Florida,鈥 鈥 Paige recalled.

Given the fractious nature of today鈥檚 politics, there was a wistful tone when some spoke of the bygone era of bipartisanship that ushered in that law. Spellings recalled that the legislation 鈥 the most expansive increase of federal power in department history 鈥 was approved by a Senate vote of 87鈥10. On a wall in her office at the University of North Carolina, Spellings keeps the trappings of that momentous day 鈥 the voting pen and a copy of the bill 鈥 as a reminder of what鈥檚 possible.

鈥淗ard to believe you could get 87鈥10 on a motion to adjourn these days,鈥 she quipped.

It was a day of such laments. 鈥淥ur biggest problem is that no one votes along education anymore,鈥 Duncan said, and it 鈥渂roke my heart鈥 to see that neither candidate mentioned education much in the 2016 presidential debates. Earlier in the day, Condoleezza Rice, former secretary of state and provost at Stanford University, used almost identical language to describe her misgivings.

Although the teacher walkouts in states like West Virginia and Oklahoma may hint at an edu-centric midterm election this fall, some are not so hopeful. John White, Louisiana鈥檚 superintendent of education, said that while people care deeply about the quality of their schools, politicians are not paying attention.

鈥淒o I think it will be a leading election item this fall?鈥 he asked during a session earlier in the day. 鈥淧robably not, in most places. Politicians are running from education compared to where they were a decade ago.鈥

Even a decade ago, however, the role of the education secretary was limited. Only on does the secretary wield real power 鈥 and only then, after Earth has been destroyed by evil robots. In real life, the president sets the tone. And though Trump was rarely invoked by name Thursday, his presence, just blocks away, was deeply felt.

King, Obama鈥檚 second education secretary, noted that many schools are becoming more segregated. The recent NAEP results, he added, show huge gaps for African-American, Latino, and low-income students. The lack of urgency is reflected not only in education, he said, but 鈥渇or a society that is just for all people.鈥

Duncan, who makes little secret on Twitter of his disdain for the Trump administration, added, 鈥淚f we’re going to wait for this administration to take civil rights protections seriously, we’re going to be waiting a long time.鈥

鈥楾his town鈥

In her 鈥渇ireside chat鈥 with Bennett, DeVos sounded much like her Reagan-era counterpart, emphasizing a restrained federal role and deep skepticism toward solutions that emanate from what she referred to repeatedly as 鈥渢his town.鈥

鈥淚f you look at per-pupil spending, it鈥檚 gone up since 鈥楢 Nation at Risk鈥 was reported,鈥 DeVos said. 鈥淪cores continue to muddle along. This is not something we鈥檙e going to spend our way out of, and this is not something we鈥檙e going to mandate or regulate our way out of.”

But even in Washington, there鈥檚 the power of example. She and Bennett struck a note of Reaganesque optimism when highlighting the performance of Florida 鈥 in particular, districts like Miami-Dade 鈥 which DeVos attributed to a series of reforms ushered in by former governor Jeb Bush in the 1990s, including school choice, school-level flexibility, and A鈥揊 school grades. In the late 1990s, Florida students ranked 47th to 49th among the states, but this year鈥檚 fourth-graders are achieving in the top 10.

Playing on a line from the song 鈥淣ew York, New York,鈥 Bennett quipped: 鈥淚f Miami goes up, you can go up anywhere.鈥

He encouraged DeVos to think expansively about her own tenure 鈥 of maybe meeting up again in 20 years to find the NAEP trend line 鈥渋s not flat anymore. After DeVos, it just went up and up.鈥

鈥淚鈥檓 very hopeful,鈥 DeVos said.

鈥淢aybe in 30 years, there will be a book called 鈥楴ot at Risk Anymore.鈥 鈥

鈥淭hat would be wonderful,鈥 DeVos replied.

鈥淵ou and I can blurb it,鈥 Bennett said.

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